Tech Strategy & Data Integration
4 Tips for Evaluating and Implementing a CRM for Your Organization
CRMs are a challenge for nonprofits. Learn 4 things to consider when it comes to choosing a customer relationship management platform for your organiz
Five takeaways from digital organizing in 2020
I recently sat down with a group of leading digital organizers to talk about how they're adapting to this moment. Here's what I learned:
Platform projects in a remote world
How project management tools and new communication tactics can make launching websites a creative and frictionless process.
5 tips for running a successful virtual event on Zoom
If your organization is planning on running a virtual event on Zoom, read these commonly-overlooked features to streamline your next event.
STOP (Stopping Tobacco Organizations and Products)
How to Design a Crisis-Ready Website
COVID-19 has tested the limits of many platforms & website tools. We’ve outlined how your organization’s technology can adapt to this moment.
Good Things Happen When Designers Think Like Developers
We create websites that work better for both users and administrators when we think cross-discipline.
How can a website put people first?
In all stages of the design and development process, we try to advance more equitable outcomes by letting the users drive the product decisions.
An accessible internet is an equitable internet
The steps we’re taking to make everything we create accessible to everyone.
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