Spearheaded by The Safeway Foundation and the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF), Hunger Is partnered with our team to mobilize an important, well-connected group: the moms of America.

The facts are staggering: over 17 million children in our communities go hungry every day. And yet, as a nation, we have the means to right this senseless wrong.

BSD collaborated with Hunger Is to create and curate social content, ranging from articles on healthy meal-planning, to the value of breakfast in a child’s day (and life), to the impact childhood hunger can have on a person’s lifelong health. Overall, the work focused on an important message: Hunger truly is everyone’s responsibility.

Academy-Award® nominated actress Viola Davis serves as the campaign’s ambassador. As a child, Viola experienced hunger herself, and her earnest, honest appeal has drawn deeper support and awareness around the issue. With a growing list of followers online and off, Hunger Is has been able to galvanize support around this heartbreaking issue—and raise critical funds to undo childhood hunger across the country.

To learn more about Hunger Is, join the cause online, on Facebook or on Twitter, where you can share stories, donate and get involved with an issue that touches far too many children’s lives.