As we expected, Giving Tuesday Now — the global day of action created in response to COVID-19 needs — came and went with a lot of email and ad volume. And a lot of matches and incentives too. 

The good news is that the day performed solidly for the majority of our clients, with most seeing email revenue coming in between 40% and 70% of what we saw for those same organizations on Giving Tuesday 2019. 

Given that we’re in May (rather than Year End), in the midst of a global pandemic, and experiencing the fastest and deepest economic shock in history — coupled with the high watermark of a “normal” Giving Tuesday — we’re pleased with the level of revenue generated. 

In our previous Giving Tuesday Now post, we outlined the potential of recurring giving in this moment, and we’re delighted to report that one client was able to capture 1,750 new monthly donors within the 24 hours of Giving Tuesday Now — providing a significant amount of reliable revenue for years to come. 

A few notable celebs came out to support campaigns too — with P!nk, Anne Hathaway, Mandy Patinkin, and Ben Stiller (among others) all stepping up to the plate for a variety of good causes.

But how much lift can we attribute to the “Giving Tuesday” brand and activation? We’re still running these numbers and it’s difficult to provide accurate attribution without a strict A/B test. 

That said, many of our clients scored their highest rev/1k of 2020 on Giving Tuesday Now. This matters because rev/1k calculates how much revenue sending 1,000 emails generates and is a primary measurement we use to understand the efficiency of a message. 

And in a comparison of similar match campaigns, over a similar timeframe, we’re seeing a lift of between 20% and 30% over what we’d expect to see without this additional organizational moment.

So was it worth it? Yes.

Thanks to our friends at Giving Tuesday for bringing the nonprofit community together at this moment. 

Want to tell us about your findings after Giving Tuesday Now? Get in touch.

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