In a competitive year with over 12,000 Webby submissions, we are thrilled that several of our web, social, and video projects received recognition, amplifying awareness of the work of these incredibly inspirational partners.

Freedom to Marry received honors for best Online Film and Video in the Public Service and Activism category. Our video, entitled Same Skin, demonstrates the inequality of federal marriage discrimination by placing two soldiers, one straight and one gay, side by side to show that while all service members receive the same battle wounds, the Defense of Marriage Act treats gay military members, veterans, and their families unfairly.

In honor of the 50th Anniversary March on Washington, the NAACP led a rally to continue the fight for civil liberties and civil rights. We created a beautiful microsite, which featured iconic movies and photos of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the 1963 march. The site galvanized the American people to join the movement and was recognized as an honoree in the Web: Cultural Institution category.

Malaria No More received honors for the Power of One campaign under the Web: Charitable Organizations/Non-profits. Malaria kills a child every minute, so we helped MNM create a bold, action-oriented site for the Power of One, where a one dollar donation provides a life-saving test and treatment for a child in Africa.

A World At School was recognized for best Social in the Public Service and Activism category. Our multi-channel campaign helped bring hundreds of thousands of people all around the world to stand by Malala Yousafzai in her call for global unity to ensure that all girls and boys can go to school. Online supporters continue to tweet #malaladay and #iammalala and sign petitions to bring education to all.

Congratulations to our partner organizations and huge thanks to everyone who participated in these wonderful projects!