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Rebranding a tech company in a competitive space

The Challenge

Operating in a cutting-edge space, Zappi needed to differentiate themselves.

The Insight

Zappi’s original name and logo weren’t conveying the company’s personality — and Zappi’s own technology could help us test out new brand expressions.

The Solution

A comprehensive brand identity and a vibrant new design system to match Zappi’s forward-looking, fun, disruptive technology.

Zappi (formerly ZappiStore) is a technology startup that uses automated consumer insights to help brands make better decisions: driving business growth, shaping product development, enhancing advertising effectiveness, and guiding branding efforts. 

Operating in a competitive space, Zappi needed to differentiate themselves and better communicate their brand identity. We partnered with Zappi on a rebranding that would allow them to demonstrate their value to insights specialists. Beyond their new logo and visual identity, we also helped them define the tone of their communication and the way they tell their brand story across email, social, and their website.

Using Zappi to rebrand Zappi


Trustworthy — yet rebellious

We delivered a comprehensive brand identity with a modern design system, including a new logo, a new name, and a new narrative to underpin their communications. It embodies the heart of Zappi as a forward-looking, fun technology company that continually disrupts. True to the brand’s DNA, the new logo’s color scheme is unexpected and fun. The rounded edges wink at the “bubble” elements of their original logo, while utilizing a cleaner, more modern font. During this collaborative process, ZappiStore dropped the “Store” from their name, making their brand more at home in the modern tech landscape.

The Blue State team did an incredible job of getting to know us, our culture, and our market, and worked with us to develop a branding framework that we could take and run with into the future. Since launching the brand, we have recently been named the #1 technology brand in our industry.

Ryan Barry, Chief Revenue Officer


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