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Tate Modern

The art of time travel

The Challenge

How do you get the world talking about the new Tate Modern? Ahead of opening its new extension in London’s Bankside, the museum wanted to make a splash.

The Insight

If you bring art to the people, wherever they are, the people will come see the art.

The Solution

We conceived of and designed the Tate Time Machine, an immersive digital experience, inviting people everywhere to discover how art has been shaped by history, and vice versa.

The Tate opened a new extension of the museum in 2016, marking their biggest event since the gallery first opened in 2000.

In advance of the milestone, they wanted to launch something new — something original — that would get their members, supporters and newcomers excited to visit.

The Tate had crafted a powerful message: “Art changes. So do we.” This, along with their strong belief that art should be more accessible to everyone, was the inspiration for our big idea.

Introducing: The Tate Time Machine

Through collaboration with the Tate’s curatorial team, we selected more than 40 works of art that are on display in the new space, and invited site visitors to take a trip to explore the last 100 years of art, offering a new experience every time you click and successfully bridging the divide between the online and offline gallery experiences.

“Through the Time Machine, audiences get a taste of what the new Tate Modern experience will be like — seeing some of their favourite works in a new light, while discovering artists that they may never have heard of before.”

Rob Halkyard, Former Head of Membership and Audience Engagement at Tate

What will the future hold for you?

We asked this question to every passenger in the Time Machine, turning them into active travelers to the past and future. One year later, we sent each person an email recalling the prediction they’d made about their own destiny — a personal way to deepen the relationship between the Tate and art lovers everywhere.


Press & Accolades

  • PSFK
    The Tate Modern's ‘Time Machine' Promotes Its Newest Expansion

  • Ad Age
    Explore The Last 100 Years Of Art With Tate Modern's 'Time Machine'

  • Design Week
    Tate Time Machine, by Blue State Digital and Tate Modern

  • The Webby Awards
    Winner of Cultural Institutions category

  • W3 Awards
    Gold, "Cultural Institutions Website"

  • Lovie Awards
    Bronze Winner, Art

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